24 Carat Plasma has been in the news, media feeds and social media statuses as it has gained immense popularity and acceptance in the last few years. Be it a celebrity using it on her face, or a famous athlete trying it for his football injury, this treatment using the healing properties of a person’s own blood is making a lot of noise.
What exactly is 24 Carat Plasma?
Our bodies have an intrinsic, innate capacity to heal by regeneration. For instance, minor scrapes and cuts on our skin will form a blood scab. Once the skin heals, this scab falls off. What helped in this healing process? The essential proteins & growth factors present in the blood!
Our blood cells have various growth factors and peptides which aid in healing. This principle is extrapolated in 24 Carat Plasma treatment. We start with patient’s own blood, and through a proprietary serial centrifugation techniques we first separate the red cells from the golden plasma. The plasma is then further enriched until we obtain a small portion of plasma which has in it most of the essential growth factors, peptides and essential proteins.
The proof of the pudding is to simply run a cell counter on the baseline whole blood and compare with the cell values in the prepared plasma. It should have a several fold increase in the cell values when compared to the baseline.
There is a lot of science that goes behind making 24 Carat Plasma and there is lack of standardisation across the world, leaving each clinic to make it in their own way, hence the variable results. At Everything Skin & Hair, Dr. Punit has painstakingly standardised a method which he is using since 2013, based on cell counter results, delivering consistent and gratifying results.
Once the 24 Carat Plasma is prepared it is ready to be delivered to the tissue in focus, which is skin and/or hair for us.
What is 24 Carat Plasma used for?
This is a magic potion having numeral applications in many fields of medicine. In Dermatology, at Everything Skin & Hair we use it for:
Yes, it does. It's like asking, does exercise work?
However, do not forget that it's never just 24 Carat Plasma alone, it has to be combined with an effective pre and post care and maintenance regime to ensure long lasting results.
At Everything Skin & Hair -
24 Carat Plasma in combination with a good home care regime of generally minoxidil application and in some cases oral supplement and medicines will increase the thickness of the hair strands as well as growth rate. This translates into growth of dormant roots, as well vellus (thin hair), ultimately leading to better coverage of the scalp.
The results have to be maintained. And the maintenance programme is different for each patient and their needs.
For instance when it is done for ulcers, once the ulcer heals, the treatment stops and yes the results are everlasting.
When done for acne scars, open pores and alopecia, after the initial few sessions, one may need maintenance session once a year.
During the initial consultation, we will discuss all this with the patient giving a road map and timelines of the treatment.
How is 24 Carat Plasma done for face?
Popularised as the Vampire facial by media and celebrities, it can be done on the entire face with special attention to under eye, fine lines, laugh lines and scars.
To make the treatment comfortable we start with applying a numbing cream for about an hour. The same time is needed to prepare 24 Carat Plasma from the blood and run tests.
Once ready, it is delivered directly into the problem areas like scars and lines with a micro needle. Alternatively when doing for the entire face, it can be combined with either a dermaroller or derma pen or MNRF. These additional procedures help on their own and also help 24 Carat Plasma penetration through micro channels.
Immediately after we use cold packs to relieve any discomfort.
Expect some redness and mild swelling that is transient and settles for the next few days. It’s best to plan the procedure according to your social calendar.
Does 24 Carat Plasma on scalp hurt?
Each one of us has a different pain threshold. What is comfortable for one, can be painful to someone else.
To make the process tolerable and manageable to individual pain threshold we have different levels of pain management during the procedure, such as:
Yes, the skin would love this treatment irrespective of individual concerns!
The peptides and growth factors in the blood will help encourage collagen formation. This means lesser scars and reduced pores. Over time it also helps to naturally reduce development of further fine lines. Recently 24 Carat Plasma is also proving helpful to reduce pigmentation.
See, that's why we said your skin will love this treatment!
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